Tuesday, October 13, 2009

REMEMBER WHEN............

Remember when, thirty seemed so old, now looking back, it was just a stepping stone - to where we are - where we've been..said we'd do it all again.....remember when. ( Alan Jackson)

30! Wow Josh. I can hardly believe, my baby is 30. I'd do it all again. This is a new beginning for you, a stepping stone, to where you will be.
I want to tell you, how much i truly love you. I love you unconditionally . Alway's have, alway's will.
I hope you have the best birthday ever. 30 is such a good number, to give yourself and your 'lil family, a new beginning. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JOSHIE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.
Hugs and Kisses. Love your Mother......

Friday, October 2, 2009

We will miss you...

I want to wish Clay and Tara, the very best in Montana. We sure will miss you guy's a lot. Please don't let Baby K, grow to big, til we can see him again. It's been a lot of fun living so close to you guy's. I know your Dad will miss you tremendously Tara, and of course his cute little grand-baby too. Thank's for all the fun times you let me share with your family. I will miss you!!!! Love, Carole