Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Last Weekend's Project

Travis' Bitchin Shed (better than a Tough Shed)


RickG said...

So Wendall, is that where ya spend the night when you get in trouble with the little lady?

Wendell and Carole said...

At fifty(ish), I've learned how to stay out of the dog house. It's called "Keeping yer mouth shut at the right times. "In silence, man can most readily preserve his integrity". Plus, it helps when you live with the right girl.

It's my son's shed. I think he might as well plan on putting a fridge and cot. He don't know as much I know, yet.


Miriam said...

Did your shed blow away several times--like twice? If not, you have not truly experienced putting a shed in the yard! You really should have had Ned and I help you and this may have happened to you to!