Friday, September 26, 2008

The new House

Aerial view of Stansbury Park. Our house is on the island near the causeway.

The Back Yard

Tom McCarty (my future Grandson's Grandpa/Realtor) and I after signing papers on the house.

Thanks to Chelsea for the picture!


RickG said...

Wow! Fancy! Congrats!!!
(Just sent ya an email, BTW)

bev said...

Now ya know Wendall, Carole will have the inside and out all gobbed up with stuff in no time at all. Don't give her too much free reign! Congrats! I'm very happy for you.

Pam said...

Welcome to the neighborhood. Our grandson will be a fishing champ having both grandpas with a lake & fishing out the backdoor.
I just realized I spelled Caroles name wrong on the address labels. Throw them away, I can make more. Hugs, Pam

brit said...

did you move? cute house.

Vera said...

Yay............. Hope to see it soon.... I'm so excited for you guys.

kendall said...

cute house!!!!

Julie H said...

I am so excited for you guys. Looks like a nice place and lots of fun too.
I hope lots of nice place to house out of state visitors...ummm I mean---for the whole family to have a party!!

Vera said...

I hope there is no Tsunami in Stansbury Park that could just take you out !!!!

Wendell and Carole said...

I don't think we've ever had a Tsunami in Stansbury, but the Great Salt Lake is so big it can generate hurricanes. The last one though was in 1847 when hurricane Brigham rolled through the Salt Lake valley.
They say the winds were strong enough to blow the balls off a pool table.

bev said...

What a great place! Oh happy day for you! PLEASE keep an ever present eye on the little ones when they come to visit!!!!! I can't wait to see it in person.

Miriam said...

How exciting!!! I"m so happy for you guys. This is going to be fun--you both have a knack at making a house a home (I saw Wendall's place when he lived alone and I was impressed!) Can't wait to come and see it.

The Lil Brodie Krew said...

i made it to blogspot... yaahhh!!! love you guys xoxoxoxo